Dog arthritis is a painful illness that can affect any dog, although it is more common in older dogs. Your dog's comfort may be impacted by uncomfortable joints, genetic defects, or cartilage damage.
Unfortunately, there is no known treatment for arthritis in dogs, but early detection and effective management of the condition's symptoms can significantly prolong your pet's life.
Including a natural pain reliever in your treatment strategy does more than only support your fight against inflammation. Making a few healthy modifications helps your dog feel better overall and delays the onset of the disease.
While there are prescription drugs available, natural methods provide a longer-lasting fix. Ensuring your dog is healthy and halting the disease's progression should be your priority.
Let's look at the five beneficial natural treatments that can help your furry friend with arthritis.
Physical Therapy
The mobility, pain, and further degeneration of your dog can all be preserved with therapeutic exercises. Physical therapy sessions are more successful for your arthritic friend the earlier you begin them. Physical therapy can help almost all dogs with joint pain, but not all treatments are the same.
Practice Weight Management
Dogs with arthritis generally move less, which contributes to their weight problems. By adding additional strain to already injured joints and accelerating cartilage degradation, obesity exacerbates the problem.
Additionally, being overweight makes healthy canines more likely to get this illness earlier in life. Keep your dog on a diet if it isn't at a healthy mass.
Keep Them Moving
Although the pain of arthritis may make your dog reluctant to walk, modest exercise considerably slows joint deterioration. Lighter exercise is great for weight control and for keeping your dog's joints flexible and healthy.
Exercise should be done moderately. To reduce stress and pain, start with three or four 10-15 minute walks a day and stay away from high-impact exercises like sprinting and leaping. Additionally, maintain consistency; avoid taking quick strolls throughout the week and longer walks on the weekends.
Use CBD to treat pain
The non-psychoactive element of the marijuana plant is cannabidiol (CBD). It is well known for its calming, therapeutic benefits, which include reducing pain and inflammation. Dog treats with CBD can help with symptoms without having any negative side effects.
The substance works with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) of your dog to regulate physiological processes like sleep, hunger, mood, and memory. According to reports, activation enhances the ECS's advantageous functions and has several positive health effects.
Including CBD dog treats in your pet's treatment regimen may offer potent anti-inflammatory properties and stop swelling from damaging their nerves. Additionally, the cannabinoid may increase the movement of older dogs.
Supplement Their Diet
Chondroitin, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants are among the substances included in joint supplements that can promote healthy cartilage and improve joint health. Because they are safe for long-term usage, they are most frequently utilized as an early intervention and throughout the disease.
The most frequently suggested treatment for osteoarthritis is glucosamine. The sulfate reduces swelling, encourages healing, and boosts water retention in connective tissues to provide the joint with more cushioning.
Frequently Asked Questions About Arthritis in Dogs
What Is Canine Arthritis?
The American Kennel Club describes arthritis as a chronic inflammation of the joints brought on by cartilage loss. The bones in the joint rub against one another as this connective tissue gets thinner. Because of the unpleasant friction, the cartilage is further damaged, which causes new bone to grow nearby.
What Causes Joint Disease in Dogs?
The causes of degenerative joint disease in dogs are:
Age: Due to the wear and tear on their cartilage, older dogs are more susceptible to the illness.
Weight and size: Giant breeds and overweight dogs put additional pressure and stress on their joints, hastening deterioration.
Genetics: Because of the way their bodies are built and how they grow, some breeds are more prone to arthritis.
Trauma: Dogs are more likely to sustain joint damage from fractures or torn ligaments.
What Are the Signs Your Canine May Have Arthritis?
There are symptoms to watch out for if you think your animal friend may have arthritis. The disorder's symptoms include unwillingness to exercise, stiffness, behavior like irritation or grumpiness, and lethargy.